hema’s sphere

update already!

Posted by hema on October 22, 2008

i remember scrawling through my blogroll and thinking people should just update already or just get rid of their blog and now i have become one of those people. i’m so ashamed!

* I have been dying to write about my new car, just to say it is better than Mishy’s new car, but don’t actually know a lot about cars so that’s all i have to say on that matter!

* here is (a translateion of ) a list of words currently being used by teenagers that i’ve come accross.

bare  – loads of (as in i have bare work to do)

messy- drunk

skank – dancing

safe blud- i have no idea but seem to to be slotted in every two seconds.

so there you go, now you won’t be confused next time you need to talk to a 16 year old!

* i took my blog off google, so now it will be a lot of cosier, but i hope i have some readers left still!

* remeber this phone?  i’ve had it for a over a year now and really love it, but it’s recently started to play up and randomly goes blank, but i don’t want to switch phones i like this one!

* everyone keeps talking about the X Factor, which i’m getting sick of mainly because i don’t watch it. when is The Apprentice back on though? and Waterloo Road?

* i was talking to someone recently about TV, and the way some people think it’s haram and/or won’t have it in the house. My personal view is that it can be harmful to children only if it isn’t controlled properly, and is fine if you watch it in moderation. i only have some programmes that i have to watch. (see above). what;s your view?

15 Responses to “update already!”

  1. mishy said

    My cars better than your car, it doesn’t smell :p Btw what colours yours? You never told me…

    Why don’t you get the n96 or even better an IPHOONNEEEE.

  2. Shawna said

    i’m with you on tv–but i recently read on another blog something i can’t describe better than this mother–no matter how much tv your young child gets (toddler), any is enough to make them think they have the privilege of watching it, and if they think they should have that privilege, they never stop demanding it. so the danger’s not so much in what they watch or how much. the danger of tv is within the child. i’ve found this to be true even when we’re only allowed 1/2 hour of PBS in a day and a movie on Fridays. it’s easier to say no tv’s allowed. 🙂

    not sure if that explains it. she was very funny the way she put it. http://www.alittlepregnant.com

    with that said, we don’t watch anything but cooking shows in front of our kids. we don’t want them listening to gunshots (we love crime dramas) and all that. it’s scary and they aren’t old enough to understand.

  3. Samia said

    (but i hope i have some readers left still!)

    indeed you have…

    salaamu Aleykum sis- hope you are well inchAllah.

  4. hema said

    mishy- well, it was maroon last time you asked, and it’s black now. a long story, don’t ask! and the reason i can’t afford another phone right now.

    shawna- i couldn’t find the article from the link. i think you definitely have to think twice about what tv you’re watchign with kids in the house, but i’m not sure it would be easier to say no tv’s allowed once they’ve started school etc.

    samiaaa- i have half term now so hopefully we can catch up on msn. hope you enjoyed paris.xx

  5. Samia said

    indeed i did- Alhamdulillah its always a gift from Allah to get to see my family…

    Been a while, hope you had a nice ramadan and eid, inshaAllah- ill see you on msn sometime, im there alot these days!!


  6. mishymoshy said

    Oh yeah I forgot you’d already told me.

    Now you have a black one?? What is it?

  7. exzede said

    salaam sis hema. and how are you? Syukur Alhamdulillah wizdompath is still on your blogroll. :))

    visit me some time ok?

    ok bas.

  8. The Ruler said

    Welcome back Hema! Safe blud is something like “You ayt mate?” or “We gooood” soemthing like that. I don’t speak like that and never did. And those meanings up there is rather helpful. For me in the very least. =]

    I want the N95 too. But it’s too expensive to pay for with my own money. Plus I can’t go into contract because that’s just too messy (IMO).

    TV… We didn’t have one in the beginning but I managed to convince my parents that it wasn’t so bad. And after gettin one, they agree too. There’s a lot of stugg you can learn. And as long as there is moderation and control, there’s nothing haraam about it. I strongly disagree and absolutely hate it when people say that TV is haraam. The Prophet (saw) told us not to make haraam the things which have been made halaal for us. Maybe he (saw) didn’t have this in mind and maybe I’m reading too much into the hadith, but making the whole TV set haraam is slightly excessive.

    The Ruler/Snowdrops

  9. hema said

    i love wizdompath and check it regularly:)

    hey snowy (the ruler?) how’s your uuas application going? i’m looking at three personal statements as we speak. x

  10. The Ruler said

    Yah, I decided to change my name. I sent off my ucas application one and a half months ago. Applying for medicine, so it was due in on the 3rd of october in school, and was finally sent off on the 15th. Now I’m waiting. I’ve got an offer for the BioMed course, an usuccessful application to B’ham for Medicine… And waiting for the others to reply. It’s a rather depressing moment of life. =[

  11. mishymoshy said

    V disappointed with lack of updates. Hmph

  12. hema said

    i’m disappointed you’re still not on facebook. i update my status on that nearly every day!

    snowy (i don’t like change, i think i’m going to stick with the old name!) i’m sure your application will be fine, your grades are fantastic! i’ll pray for you. do you have faebook? can i add you using your real name:)

  13. AssalamuAlaikum Hema, i’m leaving you this message from my N95 🙂

    Nice to have you back and missing you, come down to Manc I won’t let my daughters vomit on you, promise.

    Speaking of teenage language – my hub was talking to his friend about his friends son winning a ‘spitting’ competition. I’m thinking, ‘ugh! How disgusting!’
    Guess what ‘spitting’ actually means?!

  14. hema said

    what does spitting mean??i’m all curious now. and i don’t really go into manchester any more:( xx

  15. umm M. said

    It means rapping!

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